Tuesday 17th
8:30 AM ET
US Retail Sales 
US Retail Sales is a key economic indicator that tracks the total sales of retail and food service stores across the United States. Published on a monthly basis by the US Census Bureau, it provides critical insights into consumer spending behavior, which is a significant driver of the country's economic activity.
The report encompasses a range of retail categories, including both in-store and online sales, offering a comprehensive view of consumer activity.
By excluding volatile categories like automobiles and gasoline, core retail sales provide a more accurate representation of underlying consumer trends.

Canadian CPI
The Canadian Consumer Price Index is an economic measure that tracks the average price changes paid by Canadian consumers for a selection of goods and services over time. Published monthly by Statistics Canada, it serves as a fundamental tool for monitoring inflationary trends and understanding the cost of living in the Canadian economy.
The CPI reflects a range of consumer expenses, including housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and other common expenditures.

9:15 AM ET
US Industrial Production
US Industrial Production refers to the measure of the output of the industrial sector of the US economy, including manufacturing, mining, and utilities.
It quantifies the volume of output produced by industries such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities and provides valuable insights into the overall health and trends within the industrial sector.
The Federal Reserve publishes this data on a monthly basis as an indicator of the level of productive activity in the country. It encompasses various aspects of the industrial landscape, including manufacturing output, mining activities such as coal, oil, and gas extraction, as well as the production of utilities such as electricity, natural gas, and water.


Wednesday 18th
8:30 AM ET
US Housing Starts
US housing starts refer to the measure of the number of new residential construction projects that have begun during a specific period, typically measured on a monthly and annual basis. This economic indicator is published by the US Census Bureau and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. It includes the construction of new single-family houses, as well as multi-unit residential buildings like apartment complexes and condominiums.
High housing starts are generally associated with positive economic growth, job creation, and increased consumer spending, while low housing starts can indicate economic downturns or a sluggish real estate market.

10:30 AM ET
Weekly EIA Crude Oil Inventories
The Energy Information Administration Crude Oil inventories are weekly reports that provide data on the total amount of crude oil held in storage at various facilities in the United States. These storage facilities include commercial and government-owned tanks, pipelines, and refineries.
These inventory reports are essential for monitoring the supply and demand dynamics of crude oil in the United States.
They offer insights into changes in oil stockpiles, which can impact oil prices, energy markets, and the broader economy. Traders, investors, and policymakers monitor these reports to assess trends in oil supply and demand and make informed decisions related to energy markets.


Thursday 19th
8:30 AM ET
US Weekly Initial & Continued Jobless Claims

Initial Jobless Claims reports the number of new claims for unemployment benefits filed by individuals who have recently lost their jobs.
It is released weekly by the US Department of Labor and serves as an indicator of layoffs and job loss trends.

Continued Jobless Claims reflects the number of individuals who continue to receive unemployment benefits after their initial claims have been approved.
It provides insight into the ongoing unemployment situation. A decrease in continued jobless claims may suggest people are returning to work, while an increase can indicate persistent unemployment.

Both of these indicators are monitored by economists, policymakers, and financial markets to assess the state of the labor market and the broader economy.
They help gauge trends in unemployment, which can influence economic policy decisions and financial market movements.

10:00 AM ET
US Existing Home Sales
US Existing Home Sales is a key real estate indicator that measures the number of previously owned homes that were sold during a specific period.
Existing home sales data helps understand the health of the real estate market and provides insights into consumer confidence, housing affordability, and overall economic conditions.
It is watched by real estate professionals, economists, and policymakers as it helps assess the state of the housing sector and its impact on the broader economy.
An increase in existing home sales may suggest a robust housing market, while a decline may indicate market challenges or changing economic conditions.


Friday 20th
8:30 AM ET
Canadian Retail Sales
Canadian Retail Sales is an economic indicator that measures the total value of sales at retail stores in Canada over a monthly basis.
It includes sales of goods at a wide range of retail establishments, such as department stores, supermarkets, and automotive dealerships.

This indicator assesses consumer spending trends and economic activity in Canada.
A rise in retail sales can indicate increased consumer confidence and economic growth, while a decline may suggest economic challenges or reduced consumer spending.
Policymakers, economists, and businesses monitor Canadian Retail Sales as it provides insights into the health of the domestic retail sector and the broader economy.