Tuesday 19th
8:30 AM ET
Canadian CPI
The Canadian Consumer Price Index is a measure that tracks changes in the average price of a basket of goods and services commonly purchased by households in Canada over time.
It is used to gauge inflation and the cost of living in the country. The CPI reflects price movements for items like food, clothing, housing, transportation, and more.
By monitoring CPI, policymakers, businesses, and individuals can assess how prices are changing and make informed decisions related to economic and financial matters. It is typically reported on a monthly basis by Statistics Canada, the country's national statistical agency.

The BoC has held rates steady at the last 2 meetings, saying that they are attentive to the risk that if inflation picks up meaningfully, they could hike again.
Traders will be looking at this data to see if there will be any repricing for what is expected at the next BoC interest rate meeting.

US Housing Starts
Housing starts refer to the number of new residential construction projects that have begun during a specific period, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis.
These projects include the construction of new houses, apartments, and other types of housing units.
Housing starts are an important economic indicator as they provide insights into the health of the housing market and the broader economy. An increase in housing starts may indicate economic growth and increased demand for housing, while a decrease can suggest an economic slowdown or a surplus of available housing. 


Wednesday 20th
10:30 AM ET
EIA Crude Oil Inventories
Compiled by the US Energy Information Administration, this is a weekly report that provides data on the total amount of crude oil held in storage at various facilities in the United States. These storage facilities include commercial and government-owned tanks, as well as pipelines and refineries.

It offers insights into the supply and demand dynamics of crude oil in the US A significant increase in crude oil inventories can indicate an oversupply situation, which can put downward pressure on oil prices. Conversely, a decrease in inventories may suggest rising demand or production constraints, which can push prices higher.


Thursday 21st
8:30 AM ET
US Initial & Continued Jobless Claims

Initial Jobless Claims is a metric that refers to the number of new claims for unemployment benefits filed by individuals who have recently lost their jobs.
It is typically reported on a weekly basis by the US Department of Labor.
A higher number of initial jobless claims suggests an increase in layoffs and economic distress.

Continued Jobless Claims represents the number of individuals who continue to receive unemployment benefits after their initial claims have been approved.
It provides insight into the ongoing unemployment situation.
A decrease in continued jobless claims can indicate people returning to work or finding new employment, while an increase may suggest persistent unemployment.

10:00 AM ET
US Existing Home Sales
US Existing Home Sales is a statistical measure that tracks the number of previously owned homes that were sold. These homes are not newly constructed but are rather pre-owned properties.
Existing home sales can provide insights into consumer confidence, housing affordability, and overall economic conditions.
An increase in existing home sales may suggest a strong housing market, while a decline may indicate market challenges or changing economic conditions.


Friday 22nd
9:45 AM ET
The US S&P Purchasing Managers' Index is a monthly economic indicator that measures the health of the manufacturing & services sectors in the United States.
The PMI is based on a survey of purchasing managers in manufacturing companies and assesses factors like new orders, production levels, employment, supplier deliveries, and inventory levels.

As a diffusion index, a PMI reading above 50 indicates expansion in the manufacturing sector, while a reading below 50 suggests contraction. It is considered a leading indicator of economic health, with higher PMI values indicating potential economic growth and lower values suggesting economic contraction.