Tuesday 26th
10:00 AM ET
US CB Consumer Confidence

The Consumer Confidence Index by The Conference Board, is a key economic gauge that measures the optimism and confidence of US consumers regarding the economy.
It's based on monthly surveys assessing current economic conditions and future expectations. High confidence tends to boost consumer spending and economic growth, while low confidence can lead to reduced spending and slower economic activity, making this index a critical indicator for economists, policymakers, and investors.

US New Home Sales
US New Home Sales represent the number of newly built homes that have been sold and closed during a specific period, typically reported monthly.
This data is a crucial economic indicator, reflecting the health of the housing market and its impact on the broader economy. An increase in new home sales is generally viewed as a positive sign, stimulating economic growth, while a decrease may indicate a housing market slowdown with potential economic repercussions.
These figures are reported by government agencies like the US Census Bureau and HUD.


Wednesday 27th
8:30 AM ET
US Durable Goods
US Durable Goods Orders are a key economic indicator that measures the total value of new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for durable goods.
Durable goods are products designed to last for an extended period, typically more than three years. Examples include machinery, equipment, automobiles, and appliances.

This indicator is important because it reflects both business and consumer spending on big-ticket items. An increase in durable goods orders often indicates economic confidence and investment, while a decrease can signal economic uncertainty or reduced spending. 


Thursday 28th
8:30 AM ET
US Gross Domestic Product is a key economic indicator that represents the total value of all goods and services produced within the United States during a specific period.
It is a comprehensive measure of a country's economic performance and is often used to assess the overall health and size of the economy.
GDP is composed of various components, including consumer spending, business investment, government spending, and net exports (exports minus imports). It is a crucial metric for policymakers, economists, and investors, as changes in GDP can indicate economic growth, recession, or stagnation.

US Weekly Jobless Claims
US Initial Jobless Claims and Continued Jobless Claims are two economic indicators related to unemployment reported on a weekly basis by the US Department of Labor

Initial Jobless Claims is a metric that represents the number of new claims for unemployment benefits filed by individuals who have recently lost their jobs.
A higher number of initial jobless claims suggests an increase in layoffs and economic distress.

Continued Jobless Claims represents the number of individuals who continue to receive unemployment benefits after their initial claims have been approved. It provides insight into the ongoing unemployment situation. A decrease in continued jobless claims can indicate people returning to work or finding new employment, while an increase may suggest persistent unemployment.


Friday 29th
8:30 AM ET
US PCE Price Index
The US Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index is an economic indicator that measures changes in the prices of goods and services consumed by households in the United States.
It is an important metric used by the Federal Reserve to gauge inflation and assess overall price trends.

The key difference between the PCE Price Index and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) lies in the composition of the basket of goods and services they track and their methodologies.

Composition: The PCE Price Index includes a broader range of goods and services and reflects changes in consumption patterns more dynamically.
It considers consumer spending on items like healthcare, housing, and personal services.
In contrast, the CPI focuses on a fixed basket of goods and services that may not adapt as quickly to changing consumer preferences.

Methodology: The calculation methods for the two indices differ, with the PCE Price Index employing a formula that accounts for substitution effects when consumers shift their spending in response to price changes.
The CPI, on the other hand, uses a fixed basket approach that does not adjust as readily to consumer behavior changes.

Because of these differences, the PCE Price Index and CPI may sometimes show slightly varying inflation rates. The Federal Reserve tends to emphasize the PCE Price Index in its policymaking decisions, especially the 'Core PCE', which strips out volatile food and energy components, but both indices are essential for understanding inflation trends and their impact on the economy.

US Consumer Spending
US Consumer Spending refers to the money individuals and households in the United States spend on goods and services. It's a crucial economic indicator, reflecting economic health. Higher spending often indicates growth, while lower spending can signal economic challenges.

10:00 AM ET
University of Michigan Sentiment Final
The University of Michigan's Sentiment Final is the final monthly release of the University of Michigan's Consumer Sentiment Index.
This index measures consumer confidence and expectations in the US economy, covering areas like personal finances, employment, and inflation. Investors, policymakers, and economists closely follow these reports to gauge consumer sentiment's potential impact on economic trends and financial markets.