Wednesday 11th
8:30 AM ET
The US Producer Price Index charts variations in the selling prices that domestic producers receive over time for their goods and services. It is a key resource for tracking producer- or wholesale-level inflationary pressures and is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The index, which is divided into finished, intermediate, and crude commodities, provides information on price changes in a number of different economic sectors.
The PPI is an important part of economic analysis and planning since it is used by economists, decision-makers, and businesses to evaluate inflation patterns and guide decisions about pricing, output, and investment.

2:00 PM ET
FOMC Meeting Minutes

The FOMC Meeting Minutes are a summary of the discussions and decisions made during the meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee, a component of the US Federal Reserve. These minutes are released approximately three weeks after each FOMC meeting.

The FOMC is responsible for setting monetary policy in the United States, including decisions related to interest rates and other policies aimed at achieving economic stability and maximum employment.
The meeting minutes provide insight into the committee's thinking, economic analysis, and the rationale behind their policy decisions. They are closely analyzed by financial markets, economists, and policymakers for clues about future monetary policy actions and the Fed's assessment of the economy.


Thursday 12th
8:30 AM ET

The US Consumer Price Index is a key economic indicator that measures the average change in prices paid by urban consumers for a basket of goods and services over time. It reflects the inflation rate and is published monthly by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The CPI is used to assess changes in the cost of living and is crucial for understanding inflation trends.
It tracks the prices of various items, including food, housing, transportation, healthcare, and more.
Economists, policymakers, and investors closely monitor the CPI to gauge the overall health of the economy and make informed decisions related to economic policy, wages, and investment.

US Weekly Initial & Continued Jobless Claims
Initial jobless claims are a weekly economic indicator in the United States that quantifies the number of individuals who have filed new claims for unemployment benefits.
These claims represent individuals who have recently lost their jobs and are seeking financial assistance through their state's unemployment insurance program.
A rise in jobless claims can signify increasing unemployment and economic challenges, while a decline suggests potential improvement in the job market. This statistic serves as a tool for assessing the state of employment and overall economic conditions.

11:00 AM ET
US EIA Crude Oil Inventories

The Energy Information Administration's weekly report on crude oil inventories provides important information about the situation with US crude oil storage. It provides a key indicator of supply and demand dynamics in the US oil market by reporting on the amount of crude oil kept in various storage facilities.
Investors, traders, and analysts pay particular attention to this report because it can have an impact on oil prices; an unexpected increase in inventories may imply an oversupply and lower prices, whilst a drop may signify increased demand and raise prices.
This report's statistics and market impact make it an essential tool for energy sector participants, assisting them in making decisions and navigating the frequently unpredictable world of oil markets.


Friday 13th
10:00 AM ET
University of Michigan Sentiment

An important economic indicator that gauges consumer confidence and sentiment in the US is the University of Michigan Sentiment Index. It is compiled from monthly polls of a representative sample of American households.
Current conditions and expectations, which reflect consumers' perspectives on their current financial state and their forecast for the future economy, respectively, make up the index's two main components.
Low sentiment may result in reduced expenditure and economic slowdowns, while high sentiment frequently correlates with higher consumer spending and economic growth.
The Michigan Sentiment Index offers insights into consumer behavior and its possible impact on more general economic trends, making it a useful tool for economists, analysts, and policymakers.