As the Bank of Japan maintained its ultra-loose monetary policy as generally anticipated, the yen declines against the dollar. Oil was steady after jumping the most in six weeks on Thursday, as a weaker dollar and expectations for more stimulus in China outweighed concerns over higher interest rates in the US and Europe.


05:00 ET
Eurozone CPI YoY Final
Forecast 6.1% | Previous 6.1%

Eurozone Core CPI YoY Final
Forecast 5.3% | Previous 5.3%

Eurozone CPI MoM Final
Forecast 0% | Previous0.6%

04:30 ET
BoE Inflation Survey


03:00 ET
Fed's Bullard
ECB's Nagel
IMF Press Conference

04:00 ET
ECB's Rehn
ECB's Holzmann

04:05 ET
BoE's Breeden

05:00 ET
ECB's Muller

06:00 ET
ECB's Villeroy

07:45 ET
Fed's Waller

08:00 ET
ECB's Villeroy

Good Luck Today Traders!