Good Morning Traders! This Friday we get PMI for the Euro-Area and the UK.

Here is what to expect from today.


China's industrial production exceeded estimates last month, but the boost from favourable comparisons to a Covid-affected time in 2022 means that outcome is unlikely to alleviate concerns about growth next year.

China provided the economy with the largest injection of medium-term policy loans in history, as the country's recovery from a housing downturn and weak demand remained feeble.

Factory activity in Japan has fallen to a three-year low, providing a bleak data point for Bank of Japan officials to consider when they meet next week to deliberate policy.

Consumer confidence in the United Kingdom increased in December, as households anticipated reduced inflation and a somewhat stronger economy in 2024.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she hopes to return to China in 2024 to strengthen cooperation and increase communication, even as she vowed to continue pressing Beijing on national security and human rights issues.

According to some of the world's largest money managers, the dollar will surprise by strengthening next year as the US economy outperforms.


02:45 AM ET
French HICP YoY Final
Median Forecast 3.8% | Prior 3.8% | Range 3.8%/3.8%

03:15 AM ET
French Mfg PMI Flash
Median Forecast 43.3 | Prior 42.9 | Range 43.8/42.5

03:30 AM ET
German Service PMI Flash
Median Forecast 49.8 | Prior 49.6 | Range 51.3/49.0

German Mfg PMI Flash
Median Forecast 43.2 | Prior 42.6 | Range 45.0/41.5

German Composite PMI Flash
Median Forecast 48.2 | Prior 47.8 | Range 49.5/47.6

04:00 AM ET
Eurozone Service PMI Flash
Median Forecast 49 | Prior 48.7 | Range 50.4/48.0

Eurozone Mfg PMI Flash
Median Forecast 44.6| Prior 44.2 | Range 45.2/44.1

Eurozone Composite PMI Flash
Median Forecast 48 | Prior 47.6 | Range 49.3/47.8

04:30 AM ET
UK Service PMI Flash
Median Forecast 51 | Prior 50.9  | Range 52.0/49.5

UK Mfg PMI Flash
Median Forecast 47.5 | Prior 47.2 | Range 49.5/46.5

UK Composite PMI Flash
Median Forecast 51 | Prior 50.7 | Range 51.5/49.9


05:00 AM ET
BoE's Ramsden Speaks

06:20 AM ET
ECB's Vasle, Kazimir & Muller Speak

06:20 AM ET
ECB's Scicluna, Simkus & Vujcic Speak


Good Luck Today Traders!
