Good Morning Traders.
It is Tuesday the 7th of October, here is what to look out for today.

This morning, stocks fell and the Dollar strengthened after Minneapolis Fed President Kashkari's comments dimmed expectations of speedy interest rate cuts by the US central bank.

US Treasury Secretary Yellen and her Chinese counterpart will hold two days of talks in San Francisco this week, a step toward more-normal ties ahead of a long-anticipated meeting between the leaders of the world’s two largest economies.

The Fed said US banks broadly reported tight lending standards and weak demand for loans in the third quarter, though both measures improved somewhat compared with the prior three-month period. as per yesterday's release of the Fed's Senior Loan Officer Opinions Survey (SLOOS).


08:30 ET
US Trade Balance
Median Forecast: -59.8B | Prior: -58.3B | Range: -58.4B / -62B

Canadian Trade Balance
Median Forecast: 1B | Prior: 0.72B | Range: 1.8B / 0.04B

11:00 ET
New York Fed Household Credit Report

12:00 ET
EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook Report

15:00 ET
US Consumer Credit
Median Forecast: 9.5B | Prior: -15.628 B | Range: 20B / -10B


08:30 ET
ECB's Enria gives an introductory statement at the ECON Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium

09:15 ET
Fed's Barr speaks about financial technology at the 7th Annual DC Fintech Week at Fannie Mae headquarters.
No text but there will be a Q&A.

09:50 ET
Fed's Schmid delivers opening keynote remarks at energy conference hosted by the Dallas and Kansas City Fed banks.
No text or Q&A.

10:00 ET
Fed's Waller speaks about using economic data to understand the economy at a St. Louis Fed conference.
Both text and Q&A are expected.

11:30 ET
BoC's Kozicki delivers opening remarks at the John Kuszczak Memorial Lecture event in Ottawa.

12:00 ET
Fed's Williams moderates a discussion with Erika James, the dean of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, at an event hosted by the Economic Club of New York.
No text but William's will moderate a Q&A.

13:25 ET
Fed's Logan participates in a fireside chat at the Energy and the Economy conference hosted by the Dallas and Kansas City Fed banks.
No text but there will be a Q&A.

14:30 ET
ECB's Nagel gives a speech in London.


Good luck!