Good Morning Traders!
It is Monday 19th of June, here are some things to look out for.

The dollar index rose as risk sentiment deteriorated, with equities falling as investors awaited more information on China's stimulus plans. Among the Group-of-10 currencies, the Australian and New Zealand dollars suffered the most losses. Treasury futures are little changed with cash markets closed for public holiday in US. In Friday’s US trading session 2-year yields rose 7bps to 4.72% while 10-year gained 4bps to 3.76%

08:30 AM ET
Canadian PPI for May - Prior 59.2

10:00 AM ET
US NAHB Housing Market Index - Median Forecast 51 | Prior 50 | Range 52/48

09:00 AM ET
ECB's Villeroy speaks at a conference in Paris.

14:00 PM ET
ECB's de Guindos participates in prize-awarding ceremony of economic journalism organized by Asociación de Periodistas Europeos, KPMG and Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) in Madrid.