- As optimism increased due to the government's increased support for China's economy and stock market, shares throughout Asia increased. Metal prices rose.

- On the back of the government's assistance initiatives, which include increasing the budget deficit ratio and issuing more sovereign debt, mainland Chinese shares rose, and the Hang Seng Tech Index increased by the most since the end of August. In an effort to restore Hong Kong's reputation as a center for finance and initial public offerings, officials there are also reversing an emergency rise in the stamp tax on stock sales.

- In a speech on Wednesday, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee described the strategy and unveiled plans to reduce the tax on non-residents purchasing homes from 15% to 7.5% as well as halve the tax on locals purchasing second homes. Stocks of real estate increased.

- As Japanese and Korean equities linked to China's consumer and manufacturing demand surged, an indicator of Asian equity benchmarks was on track for its strongest finish in a week. But since then, the gains in the stocks have been reduced.
