Tuesday 5th
10:00 AM ET
US Factory Orders & Durable Goods
US Factory Orders refer to the total value of new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for durable and non-durable goods.
These orders are a key indicator of economic activity, reflecting the demand for various goods produced by factories in the United States. 

Durable goods include items such as machinery, appliances, and vehicles, while non-durable goods encompass products like food, clothing, and chemicals.

These data points provide insights into the overall health of the manufacturing sector and broader economic trends. It's often used by economists, policymakers, and investors to gauge the strength of consumer and business spending, which can impact economic growth and employment.


Wednesday 6th
8:30 AM ET
US Trade Balance
The US trade balance is a measure of the difference between the value of goods and services a country exports and the value of goods and services it imports. 

If a country exports more than it imports, it has a trade surplus. Conversely, if it imports more than it exports, it has a trade deficit. A surplus is a positive growth indicator, while a deficit subtracts from growth.

10:00 AM ET
Bank of Canada Interest Rate

The Bank of Canada interest rate, also known as the policy rate or the overnight rate, is the benchmark rate at which Canada's central bank lends money to other commercial banks. It serves as a key tool for the central bank to influence the country's economy.
By adjusting this rate, the Bank of Canada can impact borrowing costs for individuals, businesses, and financial institutions.
Changes in the interest rate can affect consumer spending, business investments, inflation, and overall economic activity.
The central bank uses this tool to achieve its monetary policy goals, such as controlling inflation and promoting economic growth.

US ISM Services PMI

The US ISM Services PMI is a monthly economic indicator that provides insight into the health of the services sector.
It's based on a survey of purchasing managers from various industries within the services sector, including areas like finance, healthcare, retail, and more.
The index measures factors such as new business orders, employment, supplier deliveries, and overall business activity. 

As a diffusion index, a PMI value above 50 indicates expansion in the sector, while a value below 50 suggests contraction. 


Thursday 7th
8:30 AM ET
US Initial Jobless Claims
Initial Jobless Claims and Continuing Jobless Claims are weekly economic indicators that provide insights into the state of the labor market.

Initial Jobless measures the number of individuals who have filed for unemployment benefits for the first time in a given week. It's an indicator of the pace at which people are becoming unemployed.

Continuing Jobless Claims measures the number of individuals who are still receiving unemployment benefits after their initial claim. It reflects the ongoing level of unemployment and the duration that individuals remain jobless.

These indicators are used to assess the health of the job market, provide information about trends in employment, and offer insights into the overall economic conditions, particularly during periods of economic uncertainty or downturns.

11:00 AM ET
EIA Crude Oil Inventories
The EIA crude oil inventories data is a weekly report that provides information about the current levels of crude oil, gasoline, and distillate inventories in the United States. 

These inventories represent the amounts of petroleum products held in storage by commercial businesses, refineries, and government agencies. 

The data is important for understanding supply and demand dynamics in the oil market and can influence oil prices and market sentiment. Significant changes in these inventories can impact energy markets and the broader economy. 


Friday 8th
Canada Employment Change & Unemployment Rate
The Canadian Employment Change is a monthly economic indicator that measures the net change in the number of employed individuals in Canada's labor market. 

It reflects the difference between the number of people who found employment and the number of people who lost employment during the specified time period. 

Positive employment change indicates job growth, while negative change suggests job losses.

The Unemployment Rate, on the other hand, is the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking employment. It is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the total labor force (sum of employed and unemployed individuals).

The unemployment rate is a key indicator of labor market health and economic activity. 

Lower unemployment rates generally correlate with stronger economic conditions, while higher rates may indicate economic challenges.